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Friday, June 24, 2011

Totally Totalitarian -- #3


Totalitarianism is defined as:
Domination by a government of all political, social, and economic activities in a nation. Totalitarianism is a phenomenon of the twentieth century: earlier forms of despotism and autocracy lacked the technical capacity to control every aspect of life. The term is applied both to fascist governments and to many forms of communism.

Kim Jong Il.
North Korea.

Kim Jong Il controls every aspect of life in North Korea with an iron fist, and has been self-appointed "eternal leader." People in North Korea refer to him as ""Dear Leader", "our Father", "the General" and "Generalissimo".

----> .....whoah....
Every person by law, must have a picture of both him and his father in their house, and there are regular govornment inspections regarding this. You may be executed for any form of blasphemy that he sees fit, and people live in fear of  him.
Raul Castro

Cuba is considered another modern day totalitarian state, Their govornment controls nearly all aspects of life through Communist gorvornment. The government incarcerates citizens for their peaceful political beliefs or activities, and The total number of political prisoners is unknown due to the fact that the government does not disclose such information, and   keeps its prisons off-limits to all human right organizations. The law does not allow Cuban workers to form and join unions of their choice. 
 Lastly, The law punishes unauthorized assembly of more than three persons,
(No thanks....)
 and the military plays a dominant role in the economy, particularly in tourism, civil aviation, foreign trade, and retail operations issued by other count
 Hosni Mubarak

Mubarak has been the president of Egypt since 1981, which makes him one of the world's longest serving presidents. Among many things, he kept the majority of 80 million people in poverty, and authorised the torture and vile brutality of inmates in prisons. Between 2004 and 2005, The Bush administration in the U.S tried to bring the presence of democracy to the Middle-East, and Mubarak promised to reform his ways slightly, and to have more open elections, but this never happened.

Because of the uproar of the citizens, he ordered service providers to shut down any international connections.
Though these countries are slightly different in their manors, they all follow roughly the same principals, and it is because of this that they are considered totalitarian.

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